Pet Microchipping

Pet microchipping is a simple and effective way to ensure that your furry friend can be identified and returned to you if they ever get lost.

person inserting microchip device on cat neck

What is Pet Microchipping?

Pet microchipping involves implanting a small microchip, about the size of a grain of rice, under your pet’s skin. This microchip contains a unique identification number that can be read by a special scanner. When your pet is found, the scanner can read the microchip’s number, allowing the finder to contact you and reunite you with your pet.

At Red Rose Pet Care Center in Lancaster, PA, we offer pet microchipping services to give you peace of mind that your pet can be returned if lost.

Benefits of Pet Microchipping

  • Permanent Identification: Unlike collars and tags, which can fall off or be removed, a microchip is a permanent form of identification.
  • Increased Chances of Being Reunited: Pets with microchips are more likely to be reunited with their owners if they ever get lost.
  • Quick and Painless Procedure: The microchipping procedure is quick and painless and can be done during a routine veterinary visit.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your pet can be identified and returned to you if they ever get lost can give you peace of mind.

When to Microchip Your Pet

It’s a good idea to microchip your pet as soon as possible, ideally when they are young. However, pets of any age can be microchipped. Microchipping is especially important if your pet spends time outdoors or is prone to wandering.

How Does Microchipping Work?

  • The microchip is implanted under your pet’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades.
  • The microchip contains a unique identification number registered with a pet recovery database.
  • If your pet gets lost, a shelter or veterinarian can scan the microchip to retrieve the identification number.
  • The pet recovery database is contacted, and you are reunited with your pet.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Schedule a microchipping appointment for your pet at Red Rose Pet Care Center to ensure their safety and protection. Contact us today to book an appointment.